FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IAPP Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
Welcome to LaserMicroFab
Project start date: 01/03/2013
Duration of the project: 48 months
Research methodology and approach
The main purpose of the LaserMicroFab project is the development of advanced laser processing technologies (micro nano‐patterning, printing, curing) for organic electronics and sensors fabrication. To achieve the main objectives, the LaserMicroFab project is divided in 5 WPs, three of which are strongly interconnected RTD work packages. The WP1 is dedicated to laser thin film patterning for large area fabrication of organic electronics. The WP2 is dedicated to laser printing/curing of metallic NP inks for the fabrication of 2D interconnects and laser printing of biomaterials for sensing applications. The third WP3 involves the integration of the laser processing technologies in one Laser Platform and it will be carried out in close collaboration between the partners with a significant technological knowledge transfer. Within the WP3, the expertise of Oxford Lasers on large area laser micro‐fabrication, advanced beam delivery and system instrumentation will be a valuable asset for the academia partners (NTUA, LP3‐CNRS) to integrate their research expertise (laser printing for organic electronics and sensors) in a prototype Laser Platform. WP4 is dedicated to the dissemination and exploitation of the LaserMicroFab results. WP5 is the project management work task.